To: Lake Jackson YMCA

Before and After School Care for Lake Jackson Area children

Let's fight for our children to have safe and fun place for our children to wait before heading to school and a safe and fun place for our children to be picked up from after school.

Why is this important?

Canopy Oaks Elementary School and our other surrounding elementary schools are poised to graduate our 5th graders this year and a they are zoned to continue their middle school eduation at RAA Middle School. We also have families in our area who have sent their child out of the designated school zone, due to the lack of before and after school care on our area. Since middle school does not start accepting our children until 8:45am and most of us are working parents I have approached the Lake Jackson YMCA and asked that they provider before and after school care for our children. I choose the YMCA because their doors open at 5:30am and remain open to well after the work day is over. They are also a family oriented facility who already have an established child care room for parents who work out there.