To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Begin the War on Poverty
"Stop allowing Poverty to go un-noticed", and then maybe, We'll find resolution to this Gun Violence Epidemic.
Why is this important?
I'm a black male 43 years of age, and I think if this Administration, and Congress, really want to see this Gun Violence epidemic cease, we have to start with a War against poverty. Most of you in public office know nothing about, or take the issue of poverty serious, because your lives are not affected by it. However, it's a shame that here in America, the Land of the Free, and Home of the Brave~Most don't feel Free, and you as Politicians are not administering any kind of Bravery for the People you serve. Poverty is not a Black or White issue, it's an American issue. And for any politician, or President for that matter~to move along through other issues, as if, Poverty is something that will fix itself, is very much so, a Moral and Ethical situation~that needs not addressing, but a hurried SOLUTION.