To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Being abused by Child Protective Services

Parents should be given more justice when it comes to dealing with child protective services and the courts when attempting on regaining custody of their children. Provide us with help and resources, provide us with a better chance for us to be reunited once again.

Why is this important?

I have been struggling with Child Protective Services for over 3 years, attempting to regain custody of my son, I've completed most of every task that has been handed to me. My case was opened then closed before I could fully complete what they said was required of me. All I want is some justice to be done and for my son to be with his biological mother that care so much for him. My son was removed from me because of rumors, and not facts, I was told he was taken away because of medical neglect, no investigations were completed and no facts were gathered at the time he was taken. Why have me struggle for over 3 years if they never planned on placing my son back into my custody? It feels like the services that were set in place to help parents reunite with their children fail society, as if its better to keep family separated from each other. More help should be provided for parents that care enough to jump through hoops and actually want their children back. This is hard emotionally and has been going on for too long, it feels like I'm getting the run around and that I'll be fighting for my motherly rights for a while. I am a disabled mother of two and I am still capable of doing what normal people are able to do regardless of what I have been told. I also think I shouldn't be forced to pay child support if I'm willing and capable of taking care of my son and want him home with me.I feel like this issue is important for the fact that it happens to a lot of people and help from child services seem to be limited or none at all. I should have been getting more help from services instead of being left to find answers for myself.
