To: Bernie Sanders, Vermont US Senator

Bernie Sanders For President

This country needs a president that will stand strong to make the changes that are necessary for the US to hold her head high. What is American democracy really supposed to be about? Socioeconomic fairness and equality. We need you, Bernie Sanders, to run for President in the upcoming election as a 3rd party candidate. We the undersigned are some of the people who would vote for you, Bernie Sanders, even if it requires a 'write in' vote. By using the power of the people, connecting together through the internet, creating You-tube videos, and sharing our solidarity through Facebook and email, we can bypass the mainstream media which is owned by corporations. These corporations have been influencing the outcome of elections by excluding 3rd party candidates from debates. It's time to be a country with high values, putting the needs of humanity above the profits of greedy corporations. We need a 3rd party candidate that truly represents the people, the 99%!

Why is this important?

We need a candidate that would represent the 99%.