To: Springerville District Ranger, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Big Lake Visitor Center and Interpretive Programs

Please re-open the Big Lake Visitor Center and bring back the interpretive and educational programs to all the visitors who enjoy recreating in the Big Lake Recreation Area.

Why is this important?

Due to budget cuts over the Springerville Ranger District, the Big Lake Visitor Center has been closed and there are no longer any interpretive and educational programs for visitors and their families to enjoy. The Arizona Natural History Association, a nonprofit organization, is willing to assist funding and staffing of their own personnel at the Big Lake Visitor center and intends to fund the staff by the sale of educational items, forest novelties and local and state print items. All additional proceeds go to the future development and upkeep of the Big Lake Visitor Center. With this petition, we would like to show the National Forest Service how important the Big Lake Visitor Center and interpretive programming is to all who visit the Big Lake Recreation Area.
