To: The National Center for Environmental Assessment, U.S. EPA's Office of Water, Suzette Kimball, Acting Director U.S.G.S., Eli Lilly, The Board of Directors, GlaksoSmithKline (G.S.K), The Board of Directors, Merck, The Board of Directors, ...

BIG PHARMA: Develop a Return Meds Policy!

We, the Undersigned of this petition, call upon the "Big Three," Pharmaceutical Drug Companies; Eli Lilly, GlaksoSmithKline (G.S.K), and Merck to develop a return [unused] medication policy!

Further, We the Undersigned, call upon the "Big Three," to work with major chains such as Walgreen's, CVS, Walmart & Others for customers to bring in to the stores unused or outdated meds for proper disposal.

Both consumer and major store chains, corporations, such as yourselves, need to come together for a cleaner, greener, and healthier (mind and body) environment all around.

Thank you, and we await your response in action!

Why is this important?

The reason this petition is being started is so that a public-private partnership can begin between the consumers and major pharmaceutical and major chains such as Walmart and CVS to join with us in properly disposing of unused or outdated pharmaceuticals which more commonly get flushed down our toilets or thrown out in our trash and eventually will end up harming our already fragile ecosystem and overall natural environmental habitat for plants, animals, and man.

Please Copy & Paste this link into your browser for an even better understanding of why and how this needs to be done:

Let us come together for a more positive result and stasis. Thank you...