To: Kevin Cahill (NY-103), William Magnarelli (NY-129), Crystal Peoples-Stokes (NY-141), John McDonald (NY-108), James Seward (NY-51), Joseph Robach (NY-56), John Liu (NY-11), Robert G. Ortt (NY-62), The New York State House, The New...

Billion Dollar Corporations Influencing New York legislators

Uber & Lyft are billion dollar corporations that are targeting small businesses with the intent to put them out of business! These small businesses employ New York State residents!

Why is this important?

Uber & Lyft are trying to expand into Upstate New York using money to influence New York State legislators! Reform is needed statewide to prevent Billion dollar corporations from influencing elected officials putting public safety of New Yorkers at risk! Please sign if you support reform!


Uber Has Spent Millions on Misleading Lobbying Efforts, Advertisements, Robocalls and Mailers to Avoid Safety Regulations That Would Protect Upstate Riders
As Albany corruption scandals abound, a May 31 Siena poll found 96 percent of New Yorkers think it’s important to pass ethics reform before the end of the state legislative session. But even while that push grows stronger than ever, Uber is engaging in Albany politics by spending millions to avoid safety regulations in legislation for its proposed statewide expansion.
Uber spent over $750,000 on New York lobbying in 2015 alone, and in recent days the multi-billion-dollar company has launched a new six-figure push with advertisements, robocalls and mailers.
In response to Uber’s political tactics, Mark Ilacqua, spokesperson for the Upstate Transportation Association, released the following statement:
“As New Yorkers demand ethics reform in Albany, Uber is spending millions to avoid fingerprint background checks and other vital safety regulations. It’s the same old story — Albany politics are putting corporate interests ahead of the public.
“If lawmakers let Uber expand without a fingerprinting mandate, dangerous drivers will get behind the wheel and put millions of upstate riders at risk. New Yorkers deserve lawmakers with the ethics to protect public safety instead of being swayed by Uber.”
About the Upstate Transportation Association, Inc. (UTA)
The mission of the UTA is to promote safe and sustainable transportation solutions in New York State. We are committed to working with government to develop fair and consistent policy at the State and Local level. Our work will improve the effectiveness of private transportation services to meet the growing needs of consumers, through public and private partnerships. The UTA is comprised of taxi, livery, and medical transportation fleets in Upstate New York.