To: Robert Reich, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Lerner, Susan Saranden, Spike Lee, AL Gore, Ralph Nader, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, Chris Mathews, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Chris Rock, Angelina Jolie, John S...

Bipartisan Free Fair Election Reform to ensure Democracy

1)Automatic Voter Regisation trough the State DMV/Social Security
2)Voting allowed by Mail
3)Banning Electronic Voting Machines
4)Ending the Electoral College, to allow Rank Voting, Requiring a Simple Majority and encouraging alternative party participation.

Why is this important?

Free and Fair Elections are the foundation of every Democracy, along with education. The two party system is archaic, outdated and easily corruptible. I'm asking for you support in ending the Electoral College, and giving Americans an easier path to participate. Rank Voting, which requires a simple majority, would increase participation, expand dialogue and end the feeling that many of us have, of either holding our noses or wasting our votes.
We've heard testimony of Voting Machines being rigged, votes being stolen and citizens being excluded and disenfranchised. If we are to bother with a democracy at all, it most be equal and fair for all.
