The post-Newtown discussions have focused on assault rifles, clip sizes, background checks, mental capacity, etc. But remember that since Newtown, THOUSANDS of people have died from "everyday" gun violence in the U.S. What can we do? Let's adopt the PLUS-15 Rule: If someone fires or brandishes any gun in the commission of a crime, they will automatically get an additional 15 years tacked onto their sentence. Period. This doesn't hinder gun ownership or infringe the 2nd Amendment at all, but it will take GUN-USING CRIMINALS off our streets for a good, long time. Support the PLUS-15 Rule.
Why is this important?
The debate on what to do about guns is rancorous and politically log-jammed. Remember the saying "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"? Let's address THAT issue in a way that everyone, including the NRA, will agree can help.