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To: Fort Worth Independent School District

Inclusive Black History Program at Fort Worth ISD

My son has been going to De Zavala Elementary, in Fort Worth ISD, for 3 years. I've noticed a significant gap in the curriculum that urgently needs attention.

In his first year at the school, I observed that there was no comprehensive Black history program in place. Furthermore, during Black History Month, there was a notable absence of Black history-related art and cultural artifacts within the school premises. This has raised questions about what exactly is being taught to the children regarding Black history and culture, particularly given the diverse student body at De Zavala Elementary.

Approximately 20% of students in the Fort Worth School District are Black, and with this demographic representation, it becomes even more critical to address this issue. Inclusivity and diversity in education are essential for fostering an environment of understanding and appreciation for different cultures and histories.

That is why we are petitioning for Fort Worth ISD to implement a comprehensive Black History curriculum.

Why is this important?

I've talked with other parents at De Zavala, and I'm not the only one who feels this way. We all believe that our children should get a chance to learn about and respect each other's cultures and histories.

We're asking the Fort Worth School District to add an educational Black history program at every school in the district. This would promote diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect among our students.



2023-10-10 23:40:16 -0400

100 signatures reached

2023-10-10 18:05:58 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-10-10 17:01:31 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-10-10 16:48:17 -0400

10 signatures reached