To: The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, Governor Ralph Northam, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump


This great country has done a lot of harm to Black Americans for 100s of years. Mass Black incarceration is rapid and not enough is being done to end it. If you are not fighting against it, you are fighting for it. DO SOMETHING AND CHANGE this unfair American Judicial system.

Why is this important?

I'm starting this petition because in every court house in this country, everyday it's full of mostly Black Americans which only make up a small percentage of American population. EVERY AMERICAN and non American knows Black Americans are not treated fairly in this country BUT not enough if any is being done to stop it. It's time for REAL CHANGE, we have too many politicians elected and not writing bills to make changes for the people who voted them into office. NOBODY'S holding those who treat Black Americans unfairly accountable. If you are not fighting for fairness for Black Americans you are part of the program PERIOD. We all deserve equal and fair opportunities in this country. Please show your support and make a difference. America is stronger when we all are working together and being treated fairly.
