To: The United States House of Representatives

Body cams for all state prisons

To have all state correctional officers wear body cam’s. To help protect correctional officers and prisoners.

Why is this important?

I’'m starting this petition because it has been a big deal in the states prisons of things going on within the walls that are highly illegal and to minimize this there will be less riots, less fabrication on tickets written, and most importantly it will protect the officers and the prisoners alike.

It's long overdue and a necessary tool in corrections. "BODY CAMERAS"... From an inmates point of view and having 22 years of exposure to the corruption within the system; it's not a matter of's mandatory that body cameras are placed on any employee that enters the secured grounds of an institution; having contact with inmates.

Where do you think majority of narcotics/contraband comes from??? I assure you that an inmate visit or mail is not the introduction point... Sure,small amounts may come through visits and mail. However, once again body cameras will insure accountability... Obviously the employee('s) is not properly doing their job if man hours and many millions of tax dollars have been spent on surveillance, simply for the officer to watch a prisoner on visit;yet they too neglect their post... Body cameras will keep every officer in check...

Countless man hours have been used at tax payers expense to conduct investigations in the Dept. With body cameras,it will be a simple review of footage...and with such option,I assure you from a criminal mind;the body camera will detour an officer from wrongdoing... Professional conduct will be held at an all time high;as that should be the case all along...

Taxpayers, your tax dollars are at risk even more if YOU continue to allow the correction system abuse your pockets with meaningless flops of prisoners for misconducts that were fabricated by an unprofessional officer. Don't take my word on this...Simply push for body cameras in corrections and watch at least: 2/3 of serious misconducts( e.g. Threatening behavior, sexual misconduct, weapon,assault,etc.) suddenly drop... The numbers speak for itself...

Your civic duty is to support all that is good for your community and state. How can body cameras in the Michigan Department of Corrections be a bad thing??? Do they have a greater expectation to privacy than officers in society,whom wear them? NO,they don't...

Please,push the body camera issue ,to your state representative.

Let's make a stand for accountability.