To: Brian Moynihan, Chairman of the Board and CEO

Boycott Bank of America

Stop discriminating against your customers based on their perceived immigration status. Freezing and closing accounts of people based on their citizenship is harassment and discrimination that terrorizes American families and communities.

Why is this important?

Bank of America is freezing and closing bank accounts of people whose citizenship they question, taking people's assets away, throwing their finances into turmoil and injecting fear into the lives of these families and communities.

We, the undersigned, demand that Bank of America immediately stop their practice of harassing and harming their customers on the basis of supposed immigration status.

American communities and marketplaces are the gold standard all over the world because they are supported by the police, fire, transportation, safety, economic and educational infrastructure that are paid for by ALL of us, and are open to ALL without discrimination on the basis of bias against one's race, nationality, sex, religion, disability, age and (in many states) sexual orientation or gender identity. Bank of America is hurting the individuals they targeted and also damaging the economic foundations of our very quality of life with their profoundly troubling actions reported this week.

Individuals, businesses and organizations are encouraged to close their accounts with Bank of America in an economic boycott. Show Bank of America that we won't stand for policies that amount to racist attacks on their own customers. We won't patronize businesses that fuel xenophobia and anti-immigrant terror.

Close your accounts. Let Bank of America know exactly why.