To: Pomona College

Boycott Frank and Frary!

We, the undersigned, pledge to honor Pomona College’s Dining Hall Service Staff decision to take economic action by standing in support of their decision. If this economic action takes the form of a boycott, I pledge to eat at a dining hall that is not under boycott.

Why is this important?

Pomona College's recent work authorization document check has sent fear throughout this campus considering that the already racist, anti-immigrant climate of the US is at its worst yet. As students, faculty, staff, and supporters, we cannot watch as our fellow community members are intimidated by an action meant to silence us. We must take action immediately and call for at least a minimum of pushing back the December 1st deadline for documents, if not a complete moratorium on the document check. Workers have called for a boycott of Frank and Frary dining halls on Wednesday, November 30th and it is our time now to support them!