To: Gorham Car Wash
Boycott Gorham Car Wash
I am taking a stand against the Gorham NH car wash. I find their use of commercial sign space for their vitrolic and mean-spirited attacks on our President to be reprehensible. I believe they go far beyond policy positions, into bitter, rude, below-the-belt diatribes against our Commander-in-Chief.
By signing this petition, I am making a stand against the politics of personal destruction. If our nation is to make progress, it needs to find a way to have civil discourse and disagree with respect.
I support their right to free speech, and my rights to spend my money elsewhere.
In the comments, let us know how much money a year their behavior has cost them.
By signing this petition, I am making a stand against the politics of personal destruction. If our nation is to make progress, it needs to find a way to have civil discourse and disagree with respect.
I support their right to free speech, and my rights to spend my money elsewhere.
In the comments, let us know how much money a year their behavior has cost them.
Why is this important?
Join us in supporting civil political discourse in the North Country, by demonstrating the impact that divisive, vilifying language can have on the success of a local business.