Donald Trump persists in utilizing the public airwaves to spread false, malicious and misleading rumors about the President of the United States. NBCUniversal, Comcast and all advertisers on any television program featuring Trump are complicit in the dissemination of these lies because they afford Trump a platform. We demand that Trump's programs be canceled and resolve to not patronize any company which continues to support him with its advertising dollars.
Why is this important?
Even conservative columnist George Will recognizes Donald Trump as a "bloviating ignoramus" who has used television celebrity to intrude into American politics. We citizens should not permit him to use the public airwaves to spread malicious and misleading lies about President Obama. The most effective way to stop the lies will be to convince NBC and its advertisers that the public will not watch his program or patronize its advertisers so long as Trump continues to spread distortion and misinformation in an effort to influence electoral politics.