To: Gregory D. Wasson, CEO of Walgreens

Boycott Walgreens If They Move Overseas

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

We the undersigned promise to do no further business at Walgreens if Walgreens moves from the USA to Switzerland or elsewhere to avoid paying US taxes.

Why is this important?

Big business touts itself as being what America is all about, but Walgreens is planning on deserting the USA to evade paying US taxes. Walgreens will still do business in the USA and use our taxpayer-funded roads, public school educated workers, and the protection of US law and law engagement. Walgreens will become a parasite abusing America and its taxpayers.

Americans should say no to such arrogance and abuse by boycotting Walgreens as soon as they move overseas to avoid paying US taxes.