To: Governor Gina Raimondo

Boys and Girls Deserve Equal Opportunities

Discriminatory policies that separate girls and boys and give them different educational opportunities encourage harmful sex stereotypes and have no place in our schools. Stand up for the children of Rhode Island by vetoing S-12 today.

Why is this important?

Girls get a dance and boys get to go to a baseball game. A girl-only group gets home-ec, while a boys-only group goes to the science museum. That could become the reality soon for students in Rhode Island.

A bill that would allow schools to separate girls and boys from the extracurricular activities of their choice just passed in the Rhode Island legislature. It’s sitting on the Governor’s desk where he has just a few days to veto or it will become law, but there’s still time to stop it if we act now.

S-12 would undermine the strong anti-discrimination laws that have protected Rhode Island children for decades by allowing public schools to limit extracurricular activity to students of one sex only. These discriminatory policies reinforce harmful sex stereotypes and fail to provide girls and boys with equal access to fair education, a principle protected by Title IX.

Governor Chafee could put an end to this unfair law with a stroke of his pen. And he’s more likely to act if he knows we’re watching. It’s his duty as Governor to protect the right of all children—regardless of sex—to have equal opportunities in education by vetoing S-12 today.

