To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Brain 'Taxing' Consumerism

Introduce a Corporate Tax based on the amount each individual corporation spends on its annual marketing & advertising budget.

Why is this important?

As a group, large Corporations spend billions of dollars on advertising on the premise that we will buy into their products/services simply by "hitting" us over the head until we become brainwashed by their message (think Coca-Cola). Usually, the products that we buy are inferior to their smaller competitors in the marketplace. These smaller companies have much smaller advertising budgets, so are "drowned out" in today's noisy, relentless struggle for the consumers attention and subsequent hard earned cash. It's time a level playing field was introduced based on creativity and ingenuity... Products should be judged by their stand-alone quality, not available advertising $$$, equally pitted against one another just as true Capitalism originally intended. This would ensure that inferior products would be marginalized and superior ones would serve their consumers. Survival of the fittest, not the diabolically sweetest (think Coca-Cola).