To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Breakup the corporate media monopoly

The purpose of the free press, as enunciated by key founders of America, was to keep the citizenry informed, engaged, and in dialogue with one another about the crucial issues of the day. The corporate media is controlled by seven corporations with conservative boards which dictate what news will be printed or reported. Break them up.

Why is this important?

The purpose of the free press, as enunciated by key founders of America, was to keep the citizenry informed, engaged, and in dialogue with one another about the crucial issues of the day. The health of any democracy can be diagnosed by the degree to which information flows freely in the culture. Anything that interferes with that free flow of information is a form of censorship, which acts to derail, distort, and deny the efficacy of any true democratic experiment.

Why is no one mentioning that the corporate media is controlled by seven corporations with conservative boards which dictate what news will be printed or reported? Evidence: if you haven't read or heard about the Downing Street memo; that the Iraq action was an illegal invasion and occupation which violated the Geneva Conventions, the principles of the United Nations, and Article VI of the US Constitution; that Osama bin Laden is not wanted by the FBI for 9/11 because it says it has no evidence against him; that World Trade Center Building #7, one block away from the other Trade Center buildings went down in its own footprints in only one second more than the other buildings and was NOT hit by a plane--these and more show that the news has been restricted and censored. We should fight to break up the monopoly that the media has become so that the public can make educated decisions. The evidence of a vigorous democracy is a free press. We do not have that.

We petition the US Representatives and US Senators to pass legislation that would break the monopoly of the present corporate media with no corporation owning more than one medium.