To: Bruce D. Broussard, President and Chief Executive Officer, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Breast Feeding Support for Military Families

Change TRICARE's benefit policies to include coverage of breast pumps for military families.

Why is this important?

Breast-feeding is the best possible start to a baby's life. TRICARE, the health care coverage for American military families, does not cover breast-feeding supplies for their families - except in extreme circumstances - although breast pumps are now required to be covered by the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obama-care"). More than 600,000 families in the United States have members on active duty, and about 40% of all active duty military personnel are parents. Almost all of these families receive their health care coverage from TRICARE (aka: Humana, Inc.). For some reason, TRICARE is exempt from the Affordable Care Act's policies. The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the American Academy of Pediatrics - among many others - recommend EXCLUSIVE breast milk feedings for babies under six months old. Please join me in asking for support for our military families' most vulnerable additions.
