To: President Donald Trump

brian cook deserves justice too!

Brian needs justice, his kids need justice, his family needs justice!!!

Why is this important?

Hello my names Brittney, I live in Pittsburgh PA, I'm doing this petition to get my brother his justice, my brothers name was brian cook, he was murdered June 26 2013, they got the man that did it, we had a trail, waited for 2 years to get justice for our family and it never happened this man got away from doing life in prison, the jury found him not gulity of all charges, I don't see how, the state had 3 credible witnesses, plus a couple people from the county jail came and went stand and said he killed brian cook, the state had the gun, clothes, all evidence pointed towards him, state had multiple people on stand against this criminal, the defender, has been in trouble his whole entire life, robbing people, running kids over, robbing his moms k-9 business for illegal drugs and got a away with everything! If this monster was put away years ago my BROTHER would still be here!! I just want justice for my brother and his children and my family!!! that's all I ask! Sincerely Brittney
