To: Dr. Kevin Lyons, Superintendent of Hudson, MA Public Schools

Bring Back Fun in Elementary School!

When did kid's parties in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade become so political??? I think it's wrong and needs to change. Don't you??? If you agree...Sign.

Why is this important?

I was recently informed that i cannot bring in a small bag of toys to celebrate the season. This is elementary school. We used to have Halloween parades where the smaller children would parade proudly in their costumes, followed by a small party at the end of the day. Children need to celebrate things in life. To have fun at school. So they will want to be there. Little by little this is being taken from them. They will not want to go to school, or learn. Make learning fun. They will have plenty of time for political and religious unrest and pressure to succeed. A little down time is not a bad thing!
I can understand the need for healthy snacks, and I think it's great that in America we can all choose what religion we want to practice. If you don't want to celebrate, you don't have to, but why because you don't, does my children have to suddenly abide by your views???
If you agree, sign. I don't know if it will make a change, but I do want the administration to know, there is a voice on the other side of this argument!