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To: The public

Bring back my school Wymore Tech

Sign a petition to bring back my vocational high school. Wymore Tech

Why is this important?

It's important to capture the minds of preteens and teenagers coming into man or womanhood. I really feel that a high school education should provide a young person a real chance at success. It's so unfortunate that a lot of millennials don't want to contribute to society by earning their keep. But I don't put the blame completely on the youth. Do to broken homes, minds,spirits,and poor parenting skills and a failing education system. We have so many young people rushing to be nothing, or a ball player, rapper, or drug dealer. So I've took upon myself to start petitioning to bring back vocational high schools starting with the one I graduated from in 1992 . Wymore Tech gave us opportunity to learn various different skills that captured students interest. Also it brought about a certain pride an admiration about yourself. That made your education the most important thing in your life. Knowing once you graduate you will have a certified trade, for a better chance at employment opportunities. So i DaShan Magwood would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to care for the youth and sign my petition and take this journey with me. Thank You



2020-01-09 00:49:12 -0500

50 signatures reached

2020-01-06 20:18:26 -0500

25 signatures reached

2020-01-06 11:32:52 -0500

10 signatures reached