To: Deanne Somers, Superintendent, Anna Gordon, Board of Education President, Jean Perrotti, Vice President, Scott Gorman, Board Member, Laura Saverese, Board Member, and Allison Scaraggi, Board Member

Bring Back Spanish to Noecker

The Roseland Superintendent and the BOE of Education have decided that our children will be better served by an online Spanish program as opposed to our children receiving instruction from a Spanish teacher. Is an online model the best method for our children to learn? Is paying a certified teacher to “supervise” our children on the computer the best allocation of our tax dollars?

Why is this important?

I have started this petition because I am extremely concerned with the quality of Spanish instruction that our children will receive, if they are not taught by a Certified Spanish teacher. As a parent who also happens to speak Spanish as a second language, I could tell you with certainty that our children will not benefit from sitting in front of a computer to learn Spanish. In order to learn a language, children need to interact with a teacher who has expertise in the language. In addition, when our children start West Essex Middle school, they will behind the other children from towns that have Spanish teachers in their school district.