To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Re-Establish/Refund the U.S. Civilian Conservation Corp - Back to the FUTURE

We the undersigned Citizens of the United States strongly urge you our US Representatives to co-sponsor HR 494, the 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps Act by Ms Marcy Kaptur (OH-9) that will re-establish the United States Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) as a means of providing gainful employment to unemployed and underemployed citizens of the United States through the performance of useful public work, and for other purposes.

We all urge our elected Federal Officials to make HR 494 that has been called for and by, and of the PEOPLE into LAW!

We urge you also to contact your two US Senate members to create a bill that reflects HR-494. We also urge the POTUS to shepherd this act through Congress as FDR did in TEN days in 1933.

Urge your member of Congress by calling their office in Washington, DC through the Capitol operator at (202) 224-3121or email, fax, or write a letter to your Member of Congress.

Your message:

"As your constituent, ( If your a Vet then say so), I want (name of your Representative) to co-sponsor HR 494 titled the 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps Act that will re-establish the CCC. The CCC Act will put our human capitol to work and enable our young single adults and veterans to train for real Green Jobs creation that will both again save our environment and themselves as the CCC did in the 20th Century but for generations to come. For more information you can visit - (spell out) WE CAN TAKE IT dot ORG. Thank you."


It is up to the American People to have the POLITICAL WILL from the grassroots up to the grass tops to get this Congress to DO THE RIGHT THING! Then in the 1930's millions of American families benefited from the CCC in the Depression, and now American Families need help again! See the story from living CCC treasures interviews @

A little background History of the CCC:

The 20th Century Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 21, 1933 and signed into LAW by him on March 31, 1933. It was his first of many “Alphabet Soup” New Deal programs that saved our hide!

During the 1930s under the Franklin Roosevelt administration, one of many three-letter programs, collectively referred to as the National Recovery Act, was the Civilian Conservation Corps.

The CCC recruited young men for work on conservation projects in national parks and elsewhere. The lived on site in camps similar to those of the military.

This was a very worthwhile project not only for the good of the country but also for the lasting benefit it provided for the men involved, who would have otherwise have been unemployed during our worst depression.

America and the world really needs this program! Many young men and women here lead lives of quiet desperation. No program exists today that will provide them with the needed supervision and guidance to be accountable for their actions and become responsible citizens and stewards of their lands and waters. We now also have to have our future generations repair our mess or perhaps perish.

So for nine years from 1933 to 1942, the Civilian Conservation Corps was the biggest and most successful federal work program in history, and the government’s most lasting environmental effort as well. The Civilian Conservation Corps demonstrated that there was absolutely no conflict between the preservation of the environment and the creation of jobs!

The 20th century CCC provided work, remedial and vocational training for unemployed and unskilled single young men and war veterans through conserving and developing the country's natural resources!

The new 21st century CCC would include women in their ranks and be run by the US Government/public sector and would be a shovel-ready program and provide actual green job training and job experience for generations.

See for more information on re-establishment of a 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps.

Wecantakeit,Inc wants to go further with FDR's first initiative the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and combine it with his last initiative the UN - United Nations. UN Peacekeepers would have a practical and peaceful mission to help nations to pull themselves up from poverty and want to create world peace in the process.

The new 21st Century CCC would have young citizens and veterans labor on our vast public lands and waterways. Those who enroll in the CCC, the enrollees would perform constructive work, receive a living wage, and earn the GI Bill for their National Service.

“More important, however, than the material gains from their labors will be the moral and spiritual value of such work." ~ FDR’s March 21, 1933 message to Congress.

Why is this important?

the re-establishment of the U.S.Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC) to enable our unemployed and underemployed citizens to be engaged in a practical and peaceful community and national service.

Eighty years ago, under the Roosevelt Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) program demonstrated that no conflict existed between preserving the environment and job creation.

The purpose of this program is for the general benefit our community and nation. The CCC would aid to transform our country to become a resilient, sustainable and ecologically balanced culture in order for this society to survive, thrive and prosper as much as we did in the 20th Century. Those who enroll in the CCC would receive job training in meaningful job skills and would be first responders in disaster relief.

New federal legislation for the CCC reestablishment and a renumbered bill has been established On 4 January, 2013 in the 113th Congress... HR 188  sponsored by the Honorable Marcy Kaptur.

and contact your US Representative


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