To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Bring Culture and Arts back to Schools

Help stop the violence. Bring the arts back to schools and community centers to encourage our children to take a positive path.

Why is this important?

Dear Mr. President,
In the recent years, the Arts have been eliminated from schools, as Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, and better test scores seem to be the primary focus. While parents are forced to work extra jobs, or have taken pay cuts; the elimination of these programs from schools due to budget cuts, have encouraged the children will grow up with limited creativity, innovation, and problem solving skills. The arts promote, develop,encourage, and provide a safe, exploring experience for children to practice skills that are vital to the rest of their education. Skills like science and math will be effected because of their difficulty in solving complex problems, as they will struggle with the ability to creatively think out the answers. The effect of the arts (i.e., dance, theater, music, art) on children cannot be denied or ignored. Without these programs both during school and after school, the child is subjected to limited activities, primarily video games (mostly promoting violence), and watching TV, (primarily action and violent shows.) Hours of this type of violence educates our children to become accustom and accept violence. There is too much violence being caused by teens and young adults. Children and teens need to become more involved in programs that demonstrate positive support and supervision, and encourage the children to think creatively. This should help them to pursue a life and develop into an adult who is bright, educated, innovative, and cultured.