To: Jack Quinn, ECC President and Mark Poloncarz, Erie County Executive

Bring ECC's STEM Academic Building to the Downtown Campus

The undersigned believe that Erie Community College is making a poor investment with State and County funds by pursuing a new Health-Science based STEM facility anywhere other than Downtown Buffalo. With ECC's largest student population coming from the City of Buffalo, and the largest job creators in health sciences at the Buffalo-Niagara Medical Campus in Downtown Buffalo, that is where ECC should invest our community's tax dollars.

Why is this important?

By building the educational opportunities of tomorrow in automobile dependent Amherst, NY, Erie Community College is attempting to keep the job and educational opportunities of tomorrow from the transit dependent youth of our community. They are misusing our tax dollars and need to be held accountable to their vision and mission by "providing affordable & accessible educational programs" to all students of Western New York, and not only those that can afford to drive out to get it.
