Stop over priced government jobs and end lifetime jobs to the rich and well connected, genneraly lawyers, allowing the "average person" to help run our government.
Why is this important?
No more salaries to any person running for a government office who already has a job which supports them, and or said job pays them min salary wage.
No more perks to said person. You want the job; you do the same as the rest of us, drive your own car to work, ride a bus or take a cab and pay for it out of your own pocket just like the average citizen must do.
Immediately end all offices currently held to two year terms, and limit all incoming offices to two years.
This will end the "lifetime" jobs to the rich and well connected have held from one political family to the next.
Make all persons running for office prove there birth place with a birth certificate before they are elected, not two years after the fact.