To: George A. Halverson, Mr. Gregory A. Adams, and Maila Cohen

Bring Kaiser to Bayview

Dear Misters Halverson and Gregory:

As Kaiser Permanente considers sites for a new facility in San Francisco, the residents of Bayview Hunters Point urge you to locate it in our neighborhood. As a major employer and user of commercial services, the facility presents unique opportunities to serve as an economic engine and catalyst for the area. Bayview is accessible to the larger city and region via public transit hubs and major highways and possess land that is well suited to a facility of this size and nature.

Why is this important?

11 Reasons to Bring Kaiser to Bayview
1. Access to quality healthcare at a family friendly location close to home
2. Access to health & wellness education about diabetes, childhood obesity, asthma, and heart disease and other health disparities in the community
3. Opportunities for local contractors and residents to work on construction of facility
4. Improves infrastructure of nearby streets
5. Contributes to safety on streets near facility
6. More jobs areas like nursing, radiology, pharmacology AND in fields that support operations like office administration, security, food service, cleaning
7. Opportunities for local businesses to provide goods and services to the facility
8. Increased partnerships with neighborhood non-profits working in health care
9. Creates need for increased services like restaurants along commercial corridors
10. Creates a destination that brings others into the neighborhood
11. Act as generator for businesses that support patient, health and employee services
