To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Bring Legislative Voting on Bills into the Internet Age

In the 21st Century, why can't legislators make use of modern electronic means to vote from wherever they are?
Information is readily available via electronic means and even courts accept facsimile signatures. Why should legislative bodies be able to wait until members of the opposing party leave the jurisdiction and then take important votes in their absence? (In Virginia, one party recently waited for a representative of the other party to leave the state and then voted to completely overhaul and effectively gerrymander the state's districts in his absence. This will not only affect election outcomes in that state, but national elections, as well.) Such actions dilute elected officials' ability to represent their constituents and make a mockery of our representative government.
Allow state and federal legislators to vote via the internet from wherever they are and let's move our representative system of government into the 21st Century.

Why is this important?

In Virginia, one party waited for one representative of the other party to leave the state and then voted to gerrymander the state's districts. This will not only affect election outcomes in Virginia, but national elections, as well. In the 21st Century, why can't legislators make use of modern electronic means to vote from wherever they are?