To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

help me fight to bring my kids home

Bring Tiffani ,Stefani & Steven home.

Why is this important?

My kids where taken from me because my ex hurt them so I moved, and he kept stalking me. Someone went and lied on me and said he was living there and hurting them again. It wasn't true, and they never took the time to see it wasn't true. They just took my kids.

I lost my kids to CYS and am trying to bring them back . My daughter, since they took them has cried because she wants to be with me, and just recently passed out at school with all the stress from this.
My baby girl has had emergency surgery,allergic reaction.
My son fell off of slide and busted his lip and has a black eye and is throwing a lot of tantrums.
If you could sign this and help me get them home I would really appreciate it!

I am trying to fight to get my kids back.
