To: President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Bring our deported veterans back and protect military families from deportation

The Ashley Memorial Project is calling on President Obama to issue executive orders to fix the situation of deported military soldiers. These men and women came back from war with anxiety, depression and PTSD. Many fell into the trappings of addiction and soon were convicted of drug crimes and deported. Ashley Seitsema was killed while serving the US military in Kuwait in 2007. Her father, Alberto Segura, is currently in deportation proceedings. Many attempts have been made to show that he is the father of a fallen veteran but immigration courts have failed to respond and he continues to face the threat of separation from his wife and family. Ashley Memorial Project calls on an executive order from President Obama to stop the deportation proceedings of all spouses and parents of veterans.

Why is this important?

“Ashley's Memory Project”
In 2007, Ashley Sietsema gave her life for her country serving in Kuwait. Ashley was called to serve her country to protect freedom and democracy and gave selflessly. Now, in the wake of losing his daughter Ashley's father, Alberto, has been placed in deportation proceedings.
No parent of our brave service men and women should be faced with the additional trauma and injustice of being torn apart from their families. Ashley's Memory Project also brings to light the over three thousand US veterans who have already been deported.
They return from war damaged and suffering from many forms of mental illness and addiction. In these cases, many of these men and women receive drug charges and are then ineligible for citizenship and are consequently sent back to their country of origin, separated from their family.
This is no way a government can justify this treatment of the very people who risk their lives to defend it.
