To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Bring Our War Dollars Home!

Bring Our War Dollars Home! End U.S. Wars Now!

The hundreds of billions of our tax dollars now spent on U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia should be used here at home to save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security from the budget axe.

Why is this important?

Waging wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, the U.S. is wasting hundreds of billions of dollars abroad and killing thousands of civilians, increasing hatred of our country and thereby decreasing our security.

At the same time, President Obama and Congress are considering cutting the deficit by cutting needed social programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and even Social Security, which has nothing to do with the deficit.

Ending our six wars would return the money wasted on them to our country, saving these social programs from being cut.
