To: Jennifer Tymofichuk, Internal Probation Officer for START program
Bring Owen Denson Home
We the undersigned believe that there are sufficient reasons to release Owen Denson on ISP. Due to the fact that he already has a job waiting as well as a good support system in place. These things coupled with the fact that his young son needs a father right now are sufficient reasons to give him a chance.
Why is this important?
Owen Denson needs to be able to come home on Intensive supervision his young son needs him. For the past 4 years Owen has been trying to navigate the system which has punished him for being honest. Now Owen has less than a year left of his sentence. Owen has a job, family and friends waiting. Most importantly his pre-teen son needs him now! Owen has a good support system in place, but the powers that be are still dragging their feet. He is not asking for absolution just to be able to come home on ISP (which for those of you that don't know is an ankle monitor). I want to see how many people we can get to sign before Aug. 17, 2013 and I will present the results to the internal probation officer at the START program where he is currently being held.