To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Bring War Criminals to Justice
Ten years ago, The Bush Administration stood before Congress, the American People, and the United Nations, as well as the citizens of the entire world, and declared they had clear proof of Sadam Hussein creating and holding weapons of mass destruction, and of collaborating with Osama Bin Laden in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks.
We now know, beyond any doubt that these people lied. They lied with clear intent to lie, as there are numerous witnesses that have testified that they had told the Bush Administration quite clearly that the "evidence" they were calling proof was untrue, and yet the Bush Administration ignored that intelligence and told their well crafted lie anyway.
I do not see how we as Americans can bring impeachment charges against Bill Clinton for extra-marital sex and for lying about same, and simply ignore the lies told by the Bush Administration. As a popular bumper sticker says "Nobody DIED when Clinton lied"... Bush's policies lead to the completely unnecessary deaths of over 4000 American Soldiers, at least 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, an economic collapse that nearly brought the entire global economy to it's knees and for which we are still paying.
I have hoped and hoped that someone, somewhere would do the right thing and demand justice, but as nobody else seems to be doing anything, I have started this petition to demand that Bush, Cheney, and the rest of their administration be brought to trial for war crimes. Please sign and share this and help bring peace to all those who have died unnecessarily because of this lie.
We now know, beyond any doubt that these people lied. They lied with clear intent to lie, as there are numerous witnesses that have testified that they had told the Bush Administration quite clearly that the "evidence" they were calling proof was untrue, and yet the Bush Administration ignored that intelligence and told their well crafted lie anyway.
I do not see how we as Americans can bring impeachment charges against Bill Clinton for extra-marital sex and for lying about same, and simply ignore the lies told by the Bush Administration. As a popular bumper sticker says "Nobody DIED when Clinton lied"... Bush's policies lead to the completely unnecessary deaths of over 4000 American Soldiers, at least 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, an economic collapse that nearly brought the entire global economy to it's knees and for which we are still paying.
I have hoped and hoped that someone, somewhere would do the right thing and demand justice, but as nobody else seems to be doing anything, I have started this petition to demand that Bush, Cheney, and the rest of their administration be brought to trial for war crimes. Please sign and share this and help bring peace to all those who have died unnecessarily because of this lie.
Why is this important?
I would like to see The Bush Administration brought to trial for the crime of lying to the American Cingress, the American People, The United Nations, and the World. To gain justice for all those who died in a needless war.