To: President Donald Trump

Buckle Our Kids Up!!

Seat belts save lives, right? Police officers write tickets for seat belt violations and it is for our own safety. In some states the driver can get a ticket if a passenger is not wearing a seat belt! I agree that we need to be safe so that raises a question. Why are there no seat belts on school buses? The safety of all our children is at risk every time they get on a bus! When is the last time you saw a school bus pulled over and the driver got a ticket because the kids didn't have their seat belts on? Never...that's when! Why is that? Let's get seat belts on school buses and protect our kids! If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. Let's get this done!

Why is this important?

Seat belts protect us and keep us safe. So why is it that there are no seat belts in the vehicles that transport our most precious cargo? Let's get seat belts put in school buses and protect our kids!
