To: Parker Wiseman, mayor, alicia perkins, Wattres and Ciara Harris, tamara verdell, tommy verdell, Cristina Chambers, Joel Bryant, President Donald Trump, Cheikh Taylor (MS-38), Angela Cockerham (MS-96), Angela Burks Hill (MS-40), The Mi...

Bullying (making it an illegal, punishable crime)

Bullying has to be stopped. Its imperative for our children.

Why is this important?

Each year, it appears that bullying, and bullycide are becoming an epidemic amongst our children nationwide. It saddens my soul to hear about children taking their own lives as a result of being bullied. Their peers who are pushing them to this point are going along as they please, free to cause havoc to another child's life. Bullying should not be tolerated in schools, on social sites, and nowhere else. Our children should feel comfortable in school. It shouldn't be a place they dread going. I know people who have been affected by bullying, and I am affected indirectly every time I see or hear that a child has been tortured by his/her peers. In my opinion, it should be a crime punishable by law just as is rape, murder, drug dealing, or any other crime. Our nation should band together and stand against bullying of any kind. It would cut down on some of the other senseless crimes that have happened such as students who have been bullied at some point taking it out on other innocent victims.