To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Bury Power Lines in Cities and Towns, Prevent Long-Lasting Outages, Improve National Security

Create an act to facilitate burying power lines in cities and towns around the country. It will improve people's lives, boost the economy and make us less vulnerable!

Why is this important?

Hurricane Sandy: 8 Million+ without Power for at least a Week!

Time and again natural disasters cause power outages, often for extended periods of time. Outages are not inevitable. Why do Americans tolerate such outages? By comparison: The German power grid has outages at an average rate of 21 minutes per year. Why? Because most of their lines are buried.

Power outages do not only create personal hardship for the people in the affected areas; as Hurricane Sandy demonstrated once again, these power outages claim lives, negatively affect our economy and impact National Security. Power outages make us vulnerable!

Power companies around the country keep putting up the lines and repairing damages after each storm, only to repeat the procedure after the next storm and the next and the next.... WHY? Bury the lines!
