To: Gary Gonyar, Superintendent and Howard Kroll, Town Manager

Bus Monitors Needed at HES

School bus safety should be a priority for every parent who has a bus rider. As the parent of two elementary bus riders, I am lobbying for school bus monitors to be on board all buses, at all times. Assaults are occurring with no intervention. Bullying and harassment are occurring with no intervention. With a bus full of rowdy students, the driver simply cannot be focused on safely transporting our children to and from school. Please join me in signing this petition to ensure that our town doesn't suffer an unnecessary tragedy due to inadequate supervision on our school buses.

Why is this important?

My son Silas has been physically assaulted by the same student twice this year. The school is aware of the issue and is not providing adequate action to make me feel like my children are safe on the bus. Upon sharing this with other parents I was made aware of many other situations that have occurred on the HES Buses that should not happen. Our kids deserve to be safe at school and on the buses.
