To: Rep. Warren Davidson (OH-8), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Bush Tax Cuts

End the tax cuts on earned income and capitol gains for those earning above $250,000. Stop the obstructionism in Washington, DC NOW and get to work repairing the economy.

Why is this important?

12 years ago President Bush established a "temporary" tax cut to stimulate the economy using the theory if the people had more money it would stimulate job growth. There was a sunshine provision and the cuts were to end in 2010, but because legislators would not pass an unemployment benefit extension, a deal was struck. The idea has not succeeded in creating more jobs, only more wealth for those who were already wealthy. The poor and middle class tax cuts were spent on basic needs and daily living expenses. Because the market has been flooded with foreign products due to outsourcing, the only economy stimulated was the foreign economy.
