To: The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, and Governor Larry Hogan

Busing for private schools

There are 1047 private schools serving serving 163,020 students in Maryland. In the past busing of children has been left to the counties. There are 4 counties in Maryland that do provide free busing for private school children. New York and New Jersey as well as other states already provide free busing for all of its children. The law requires each state to provide a free public education to all of its students. It does not require free busing of any of those children. Transportation is not education. We are petitioning to have free busing of children attending private schools, as well as public schools. Our hard earned tax money should not be used just to transport our neighbor's kids to school. Private schooling is not optional to many religious families. We pay our taxes, our tuition, our public schools' tuition and public schools' busing. We want busing for all of our children too.

Why is this important?

A free education to all children is upheld in all states. Busing is not part of education. If busing is provided for free to public school children, then it should be provided for free to all private school children.