To: Americans and U.S. residents everywhere

Buying Back our Jobs ($5 at a Time!)

I will create jobs by increasing demand for American products and letting companies know. Every week (without increasing spending) I will spend $5 towards American products which would have gone for foreign made goods. I will look for American products in stores and let companies know this is what I want.

Why is this important?

This is not a petition for or against any entity. It is a declaration by people and a pledge that they will take a small simple action to improve the economy and create jobs by diverting $5 of their weekly budget to buy the same items but AMERICAN MADE rather than foreign. 100,000,000 people doing this would pump $500,000,000 dollars a week into our economy. American factories could buy more supplies and hire workers. Workers would buy products and pay taxes as would companies. This is totally patriotic and not at all political and we are not waiting for our government to quit arguing and actually do something!