To: Bear Valley Unified School District, Superintendant / principals/teachers/educators


There needs to be a citizen watchdog panel for these "investigations" of bullying on our campuses, which i will gladly be a member...anyone else with me? Bullying policies do no good if these kids are too terrified of repercussion. We the below signed residents of big bear valley Handle this now and handle it as a parent would not as an administration would.... I propose that the school board IMMEDIATELY form a student court type system for bullying or / and a watchdog board to monitor that bullying is dealt with hard and swift. Repercussions on student must be identified and handled immediately as well.Let the school board know that enough is enough..there ways are NOT working...its time to stop ignoring this issue and pushing it under the rug. I will gladly volunteer. Will you ?I'm sick of my grandson being bullied, my daughter being told he is "too sensitive" WE must step up and protect our own. Its time for involved parents. This petition you are signing will hopefully convince the school board that a watchdog board or a student court made up of students and parents must be put into place.

Why is this important?

Parents who would be willing to volunteer to serve on a "bulling" watchdog board or a combo student/parent bulling court. If you have a child who has been a victim of bulling and you feel you have no voice or appropriate action has been taken, help us bring this board to fruition.
