To: President Donald Trump

By executive order, the internet shall be permanently categorized as a utility & under net neutra...

In continuation of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruling over net neutrality on Feburary 26th, 2015; we ask president Barrack Obama to pass into law the permanent conversion of internet service to a utility & the permanent protection of liberties under net neutrality by executive order.

Why is this important?

No internet service provider (ISP) shall not discriminate the flow of traffic to any and all websites. We ask for the internet to remain open and free from censorship and pay to play systems that benefit the wealthiest of online companies while hindering the competitive market that the internet currently is. Moreover, Net Neutrality should be protected like water rights for the internet is the largest collection of knowleged ever gathered together. A persons thirst for knowleged can not be quenched when they are limited to taking in the biased avenues of information forced upon them by profit driven coporations.