To: The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, and Governor Roy Cooper

Caden's Cause / Lee-Johnson

The purpose of this petition is to change North Carolina General Statute 14:148(c) to remove the one thousand dollar ($1,000) or more requirement for a Class I felony and the reference to any other violation of this section being a Class 1 misdemeanor. Theft of items from a grave is a Class 1 misdemeanor unless the item (one item) stolen is valued at one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more.

Why is this important?

Items placed on a grave are generally for the purpose of grieving by family and friends of a loved one. The items are usually pertaining to the deceased and have great sentimental and emotional value. The majority of items placed on a grave by family and friends are valued at one hundred dollars ($100) or less. The emotional distress caused by theft of items from the resting place of a loved one should warrant the removal of these items being a felony, especially when items are removed repeatedly and/or the suspect has the items in possession.

Caden Allen was tragically killed in an automobile accident when a box truck pulled a stop sign/red flashing light at the intersection of Hwy 55 and Hwy 242 in Johnston County on July 26, 2012.

Items have been stolen off our thirteen-year-old son's grave (Caden Allen) four (4) times since he was buried in Lee-Johnson Cemetery. The first incident occurred on Mother's Day in 2013. The second incident occurred on Caden's birthday, October 21, 2013. Other dates are April 30, 2014 and June 1, 2014. The suspects were caught on camera on June 1, 2014 with items in their possession, including a personalized flag with Caden's name on it. Items from all four (4) incidents were found at the home of the suspects. Items stolen were monetarily valued between eighty dollars ($80) and one hundred dollars ($100) for each incident. Therefore, the suspects were only charged with misdemeanors. By changing the statute to make this a felony, it will impact those who steal from cemeteries and help lessen the emotional distress and trauma for families who have lost a loved one.

Rhonda Norris has two family members buried in the cemetery: Annie Pearl Lee (her mother) and Landis Lee (her brother). She has also suffered financially due to expense to replace items and emotionally from the feeling of violation of the resting place of her loved ones. The items had been stolen over a period of time with the last incident occurring on June 1, 2014. Stolen items were recovered from the suspects' home where items belonging the the Allen family and the Johnson family were found.

Blinda Johnson was another victim of theft in Lee-Johnson Cemetery. A wind chime had been attached to the headstone of Floyd D. and Christine Williams (Blinda's parents) for a long time. It was stolen on June 1 , 2014 and the suspects were caught on camera at the same time items were stolen off Caden Allen's grave.

The persons caught were repeat offenders that have caused emotional distress for at least three families. Our goal is to reduce cemetery thefts by imposing stiffer penalties for such actions. This crime should be a felony.
