To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Cal State Hemet Supporters

We the People of the San Jacinto Valley deserve a Cal State University campus built in downtown Hemet . Together we can bring prosperity back to all our local citizens by returning Hemet to its traditional roots as the center of excellent educational opportunities for the Inland Empire .

Why is this important?

Hemet was founded on the belief in pubic support for education-. The historically significant Hemet High schools , the old Carnegie Library and even the naming of major streets after well known east coast colleges all remind the present that education was the key block to building the community up for future generations.. After decades of neglect, the buildings are torn down, the community divided and the city core has become ground zero for fewest educational opportunities in Riverside County. Let's rebuild the city the old fashioned way, by building a Cal State Campus in downtown Hemet's forgotten center, before the beautiful old Hemet Elementary School is torn down by county bureaucrats..