To: Katrina Abston, Senior Head of Schools and Nathaniel Davis, Chief Executive Officer, K12, Inc.
California Virtual Educators
California Virtual Academies - Support Educators' Decision to Organize a Union
Why is this important?
The educators at California Virtual Academies (CAVA) teach students from all over California in grades K through 12. They are committed to providing the best possible education to their students and upholding the important principles that brought them to the profession.
In recent years, the teachers have become increasingly concerned that some decisions made by CAVA negatively impact their students and their profession. Frequent policy changes, shifting class rosters, changes in responsibilities and increased workload make it harder to provide the education our students deserve. Though these dedicated educators are committed teachers who work long hours and struggle to serve their students, it feels like it is never enough.
After talking with hundreds of CAVA educators from across the state, the teachers decided it was time for a change. Specifically, they believe educators who work at CAVA ought to have a stronger voice in decisions that impact their school, their students and their working conditions.
We, the signers of this petition, support California Virtual Educators’ decision to organize a union with California Teachers Association (CTA) to have a collective voice in achieving the highest quality learning environment for students and working environment for educators.
We call on the CAVA Administration to recognize the educators’ 2014 democratic decision to unionize. We call on them to refrain from exercising undue influence or interference. Finally, we believe it is past time for administration to sit down and bargain a contract with CAVA teachers that improves the teaching and learning conditions for all educators and students at California Virtual Academies. We believe working fairly and respectfully with the teachers is in the best interest of CAVA's students, families, educators and community.
In recent years, the teachers have become increasingly concerned that some decisions made by CAVA negatively impact their students and their profession. Frequent policy changes, shifting class rosters, changes in responsibilities and increased workload make it harder to provide the education our students deserve. Though these dedicated educators are committed teachers who work long hours and struggle to serve their students, it feels like it is never enough.
After talking with hundreds of CAVA educators from across the state, the teachers decided it was time for a change. Specifically, they believe educators who work at CAVA ought to have a stronger voice in decisions that impact their school, their students and their working conditions.
We, the signers of this petition, support California Virtual Educators’ decision to organize a union with California Teachers Association (CTA) to have a collective voice in achieving the highest quality learning environment for students and working environment for educators.
We call on the CAVA Administration to recognize the educators’ 2014 democratic decision to unionize. We call on them to refrain from exercising undue influence or interference. Finally, we believe it is past time for administration to sit down and bargain a contract with CAVA teachers that improves the teaching and learning conditions for all educators and students at California Virtual Academies. We believe working fairly and respectfully with the teachers is in the best interest of CAVA's students, families, educators and community.