On April 7, 2013, the people of the United States of America will go on strike to get a sensible budget.
We call for congress to:
1. Fix the filibuster
2. End the sequester
3. Enact a budget that meets these goals:
CLOSING THE DEFICIT though an approach that includes BOTH taxing the wealthiest one per cent of America more, AND making targeted, thoughtful cuts in all government spending, including the military and entitlement programs.
SETTING A POSITIVE COURSE FOR OUR FUTURE through focused, intensive investment in clean energy and job growth.
If we do not get this, we will close our shops, park our buses, trucks and airplanes, turn off our computers, and drop our tools until we do. WE WILL DO OUR JOBS WHEN YOU DO YOURS.
Why is this important?
I am utterly fed up with congressional failure to enact a responsible budget. Surely nothing more need be said.