To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Call for an Investigation of Head Directors Who don't Investigate and Prosecute White on Black Ha...

For too long African Americans have been used as visa cards, ignored, wrongfully convicted, Denied Due Process, denied equal protection under the law, Raped as a people within the systems of the US government, from Courts, Prisons, Schools, Foster Care, Welfare, Medicaid, Underfunded cities and communities. We need to have the Head Directors at State Levels and Federal Levels Investigated for Obstruction of Justice, and Fraud. Complaints are at their highest ever, yet little to no action is being taken at the state or federal levels to Properly Investigate and Prosecute WHITE on black offenders. Little to nothing is being done to enforce the laws against racial discrimination. The US Gov. makes money off of Blacks and the poor with HIGH conviction rates in courts (court cost), high prison population in jails (40k each prisoner a year, 40,000 x 1 Million people), as foster children (20k each child a year, 20,000 x 1 Million children). They close our schools and under fund our communities, leaving more money for their communities and schools. We have to call for an Investigation of Head Directors of Programs who have many complaints but little to no investigation or prosecutions. Most Head directors with the FINAL SAY are White at local, state, and federal levels. Their actions or lack there of is PROOF of Racial Discrimination, Grounds to have them removed with out voting. Each and everyone who failed to prosecute or enforce laws time after time. This has to change for us to get justice. Follow the money you will see the game. We are Visas with no real rights or EQUAL PROTECTIONS.

The people in charge of the programs such as schools, prisons, our communities, are mostly boards of white people, who oversee black people. These same white people are in charge of allocating money to counties, cities, communities, schools, and so on. They under-fund the programs, cities and communities 75% of the time, compared to white areas. These are the same people we send discrimination complaints to on local and state levels, when we complain of racial discrimination, we are subject to these same people. The same people who underfunded our schools and communities in the first place.

Whites hold mostly all seats of final say, in all areas. This is why we never get proper investigations, court hearings, so on and so on in all areas, schools, housing, prisons, and courts. The system is set up to use us to fund their programs, and set up to give us as little as possible, allowing them to pocket federal funding for other areas of their budgets.

States receive federal funding for the number of citizens in the state. The state gives funding to districts, who then gives funding to counties, who then gives funding to cities, who then gives funding to areas of the city, most of the time the person in charge of giving the funds equally, is white. This is also the line of authority. If you are not fairly treated this is how you file a complaint, but for too long the person who has the ability to take action on your behalf is white. Which is why we can be taken advantage of in all systems and nothing is done about it. Blacks are money generators in all areas of the US government. I will show below how you can be subject to unfair treatment and why there is not where for you to turn for help in the current system. They don’t want to change it because then they would not be able to cheat you out of fair funding, treatment and equal protection. No fair funding more money for them, no fair treatment, means little work for them to do for you, smaller cases loads, saves them money to put where they deem necessary, no equal protection allows you to be locked up easier to pay court cost and become a prisoner that helps them get funding to their buddies who they are in business with. They will not investigate themselves which means they will not have to compensate you for wrongs done to you. The people who control these same systems they do you wrong from the start and these are the same people in control of making sure you are equally protected under the law. It is time to get them all investigated. How many complaint have they ignored? How many of complaints have resorted in no wrong doing found? How many complaints did they prosecute someone who is white?

This is not a full overview of how it works but check it out.
 Courts: We had to fight to be recognized as a FULL HUMAN BEING. This allowed us to be citizens of the US. This act was supposed to grant us Equal Protection under the law. We know this is not the case, the police and the court system do not give us equal protection against whites who do harm to us, or children, or property. The more cases you have the more money everyone in the system makes. If you can't afford a lawyer you will most likely lose the case and owe the courts. Minorities are underrepresented and most of them can't afford a lawyer. Thus are funding court systems disproportionately.
 Prisons: When you lo...

Why is this important?

For too long African Americans have been used as visa cards, ignored, wrongfully convicted, Denied Due Process, denied equal protection under the law, Raped as a people within the systems of the US government, from Courts, Prisons, Schools, Foster Care, Welfare, Medicaid, Underfunded cities and communities. We need to have the Head Directors at State Levels and Federal Levels Investigated for Obstruction of Justice, and Fraud. Complaints are at their highest ever, yet little to no action is being taken at the state or federal levels to Properly Investigate and Prosecute WHITE on black offenders. Little to nothing is being done to enforce the laws against racial discrimination. The US Gov. makes money off of Blacks and the poor with HIGH conviction rates in courts (court cost), high prison population in jails (40k each prisoner a year, 40,000 x 1 Million people), as foster children (20k each child a year, 20,000 x 1 Million children). They close our schools and under fund our communities, leaving more money for their communities and schools. We have to call for an Investigation of Head Directors of Programs who have many complaints but little to no investigation or prosecutions. Most Head directors with the FINAL SAY are White at local, state, and federal levels. Their actions or lack there of is PROOF of Racial Discrimination, Grounds to have them removed with out voting. Each and everyone who failed to prosecute or enforce laws time after time. This has to change for us to get justice. Follow the money you will see the game. We are Visas with no real rights or EQUAL PROTECTIONS.
